Lesson 08 安慰
  lesson 08 安慰
  01 never mind.
  类似表达 it's okay. / don't worry about it. / forget it!
  02 it's not your fault.
  类似表达 you're not to blame.
  03 don't give it another thought.
  类似表达 don't take it to heart. / don't let it bother you.
  04 take it easy.
  类似表达 take your time. / don't worry.
  05 that's all right.
  类似表达 that's okay. / it's no problem.
  06 don't blame yourself.
  单词释义 blame [ble?m] vt. 指责,责备,归咎于
  07 it will work out in the end.
  things will come out alright. / everything will be ok. / everything will be all right.
  08 nobody's perfect!
  no one is perfect! / there are spots on the sun. / to make mistakes is human.
  09 just calm down a bit!
  词组释义 calm down 冷静,镇定下来
  10 don't worry about trifles.
  单词释义 trifle[?tra?fl n. 琐事,小事